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About me
On 23rd October 2024, a new synthesis report was launched, shedding light on how Sweden can transition toward a more circular and sustainable management of wastewater resources. The report, titled Återvinning och återanvändning av resurser från avlopp (Recycling and reuse of resources from wastewater: the way forward for Sweden based on knowledge and practical experiences), is the result of a collaborative effort between several organizations led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and including Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and Ecoloop, among others. The research detailed in the report was funded by the Environmental Research Grant of the Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket) and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The synthesis report was developed over several years and aims to support Sweden’s transformation toward sustainable wastewater management, aligning with long-term environmental goals.
Today, on World Toilet Day, we recognize toilets not just as an essential part of our daily lives but also as spaces that embody dignity, equality, and peace. This year’s theme, “Toilets: A place for peace,” reminds us of the critical role sanitation plays in fostering harmony—whether by reducing health disparities, mitigating environmental conflicts, or enhancing resilience to climate change. Within our Sanitation and Health team at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), our work has been focusing on the transformative potential of sanitation to contribute to a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable world. This year, two recent media articles have spotlighted some of our work, underscoring how toilets can be a tool for peace by addressing global climate challenges.
Together with my colleagues at SEI - Nhilce Esquivel and Carla Liera and other colleagues from the Climate Resilient Sanitation Coalition, we recently published an article on the SDG Knowledge Hub, introducing the newly developed Practical Guidelines for Designing Climate-resilient Sanitation Projects for the Green Climate Fund (GCF). These guidelines, a collaborative effort put together by members the Climate Resilient Sanitation Coalition, provide actionable recommendations for integrating climate adaptation and mitigation within sanitation projects, aiming to secure essential funding for vulnerable communities facing climate-related sanitation challenges. Set to launch at COP29, the guidelines offer practical tools for national governments and other stakeholders to align sanitation with climate strategies and access GCF funding.
This week, I had the opportunity of attending the 9th Africa Water Week in Cairo, Egypt, a flagship event convened by the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW). This year’s event brought together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from across Africa and beyond to address the pressing challenges in water management and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) services provision on the continent. Under the theme of “Placing Water and Sanitation at the Heart of Achieving Agenda 2063: the Africa We Want”, Africa Water Week fostered dialogue and showcased innovative solutions, bringing the vision of Agenda 2063 and the Africa Water Vision 2025 into sharper focus. Throughout the conference, I had the opportunity to participate in several sessions and engage in discussions on sanitation, climate resilience, resource recovery, and the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus, as described below.
We’ve just concluded World Water Week 2024 which convened water and sanitation professionals from around the globe to address this year’s theme of “bridging borders: water for a peaceful and sustainable future.” In Stockholm and online, participants explored water’s dual role in both fueling and mitigating conflicts, with discussions covering everything from water security and cooperation across political divides to strategies for building climate-resilient and sustainable water and sanitation systems. Throughout the week, I engaged in diverse panels and sessions that underscored the role of sanitation in promoting resilience, sustainability, and cross-border collaboration.
This week, we held a long awaited webinar about emerging evidence and action on the climate-sanitation linkages, on May 29th. The webinar was the result of a collaboration between the International Water Association (IWA) and the Climate Resilient Sanitation Coalition (CRSC), and aimed to provide an overview of the emerging evidence on the linkages between sanitation and climate change both from mitigation and adaptation perspectives.
Over the past few months, a few of my colleagues at SEI and I have been engaged in a project to support our partners at Hand in Hand Eastern Africa to develop a strategy for their work on waste management and circular economy issues. Hand in Hand Eastern Africa is part of the global network Hand in Hand, which supports people at the bottom of the pyramid to build business that lift them out of poverty and build better livelihoods. They run a wide range of programs and in recent years, they envision waste management and circular economy as a crucial area where they can contribute simultaneously to improving people’s economic prospects, as well as environmental sustainability.
So throughout this week, I have been in Nairobi to meet with the Hand in Hand Eastern Africa team and to conduct a strategy development workshop, together with my colleagues from the SEI Africa office in Nairobi - Alphayo Lutta, Anderson Kehbila, Cynthia Sitati and Pauline Macharia.
As the Global Methane Pledge gains momentum, the often-overlooked role of sanitation in methane emissions demands attention. This article delves into why effective sanitation management is crucial for achieving the pledge’s ambitious targets.
I recently wrote a blog post that has now been published on the website of the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI). In the article, I explore how regions like Murcia, Spain, are addressing water scarcity and bolstering food security by reusing treated wastewater for agriculture. This practice not only sustains agricultural production but also contributes to climate mitigation and adaptation by recycling valuable nutrients and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Emphasizing the need for innovative solutions in wastewater management, the article calls for greater engagement, efficient resource recovery, and strategic financing to overcome existing challenges to scaling up resource recovery from wastewater.
On Monday October 9, 2023, I had the opportunity to participate in a knowledge mingle event on plastic pollution and poverty alleviation, organized by Hand in Hand Sweden and Håll Sverige Rent at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern in Stockholm. The event aimed to raise awareness and foster dialogue on how plastic pollution and poverty are interrelated, and how we can work together to improve the situation for both the planet and the people.
World Water Week 2023 underscored the urgent need for climate-resilient sanitation amid escalating climate change impacts. Despite growing awareness, challenges remain in understanding cause-effect relationships and securing adequate funding for sustainable sanitation systems.
Our paper “A review of how decision support tools address resource recovery in sanitation systems” has just been published, the result of a collaborative effort with colleagues Kim Andersson, Sarah Dickin, Elisabeth Ekener and Göran Finnveden. In this paper, we review 24 decision support software tools used for sanitation planning, and provide insights into how they address resource recovery across the sanitation service chain with regards to analysis of material flows, integrating resource recovery technologies and products in the design of sanitation systems, and assessing the sustainability implications of resource recovery.
On this page, I provide a list of relevant resources related to circular economy, energy and food. The resources are provided as a reference for interested participants in circular economy related events at the Gothenburg International Science Festival 2023. You can use the links/URLs to access each resource.
Every day, Kenyan urban areas generate solid waste at the rate of 0.31 to 0.75 kg per person per day. Less than half of that waste is collected and only about 8% of it is recycled. The rest ends up in landfills and dump sites leading to pollution, adverse health impacts and degradation of the ecosystem.
The event proved sanitation discourse in Kenya has made great strides towards inclusiveness, realism and sustainability. Hopefully, we’ll see these values reflected in action. Kenya pays dearly for the gaps in its sanitation and hygiene services: total economic costs have been estimated at US$ 324 million annually. About 12.5% of Kenyans still practise open defecation and most of the population don’t have access to safely managed sanitation services, according to the latest report of WHO and UNICEF’s Joint Monitoring Program.
I am enthusiastic about higher education and its potential to not only enable people achieve their dreams, but also to contribute to the economy through the development of human capital. Therefore, I have always been glad to help people go about the procedures of applications and admissions to university education. This being a peak season for many universities’ admissions cycles, several colleagues have contacted me over the past month or so to help them, mostly to review and critique their motivational statement/letters. The more people I worked with, the more I thought about writing a general guide to help perhaps even more people go about the process of crafting a motivational statement that best presents their personality and hopefully helps them stand out from the huge crowd of applicants.
Ddiba, D. 2013. "Mentorship: a missing link in education in Sub-Saharan Africa." In proceedings of the 7th Education without Borders International Conference, 25 – 27 March 2013, Dubai, U.A.E.
Ddiba, D. and Namukwaya, B. D. 2013. "Design of a model irrigation scheme that utilizes groundwater in the cattle corridor area of Uganda." Final Year Project Report, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Makerere University. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3986.7761
Niwagaba, B. C., Ddiba, D., Sekigongo, P., Gold, M. & Strande, L. 2015. "Faecal sludge as fuel in industrial kilns for brick production." In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Faecal Sludge Management (FSM3), 18 – 23 January 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Schoebitz, L., Bischoff, F., Ddiba, D., Okello, F., Nakazibwe, R., Niwagaba, C.B., Lohri, C.R. & Strande, L. 2016. "Results of faecal sludge analyses in Kampala, Uganda: Pictures, characteristics and qualitative observations for 76 samples." Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Ddiba, D. 2016. "Estimating the potential for resource recovery from productive sanitation in urban areas." KTH Royal institute of Technology, TRITA-LWR Degree Project 2016:13, 86 pp.
Ddiba, D., Andersson, K. and Rosemarin, A. 2016. "Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP): A tool for evaluating the resource recovery potential of urban waste streams." Discussion Brief. Stockholm Environment Institute: Stockholm.
Spuhler, D., Adams, M., Ddiba, D. and Tempel, A. 2016. "SuSanA’s Contribution to Agenda 2030 for sustainable development: Position paper of Working Group 1 on Capacity Development." Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA).
Gold, M., Ddiba, D., Seck, A., Sekigongo, P., Diene, A., Diaw, S., Niang, S., Niwagaba, C. and Strande, L. 2017. "Faecal sludge as a solid industrial fuel: a pilot-scale study." Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 7(2), 243–251. doi:10.2166/washdev.2017.089
Andersson, K. and Ddiba, D. 2017. "Estimating and visualizing the value of urban waste recovery – The Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP) Tool." In proceedings of the 2nd IWA International Resource Recovery Conference, 5 – 9 August 2017, New York, USA.
Schulte-Herbrüggen, H., Ddiba, D., Bhattacharya, P., Kimanzu, N., Andersson, K., Dickin, S., Schulte-Herbrüggen, B. 2017. "Linking water–sanitation–agricultural sectors for food and nutrition security." Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) Discussion Brief. Stockholm, Sweden.
Ddiba, D., Andersson, K. & Ogol, T. 2018. "UrbanCircle: turning urban waste into circular economy benefits." Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Project Brief. Stockholm, Sweden.
Oster, M., Reyer, H., Ball, E., Fornara, D., McKillen, J., Sørensen, K. K. U., Poulsen, H. D. H., Andersson, K., Ddiba, D., Rosemarin, A., Arata, L., Sckokai, P., Magowan, E. and Wimmers, K. 2018. "Bridging gaps in the agricultural phosphorus cycle from an animal husbandry perspective - The case of pigs and poultry." Sustainability 2018, 10(6), 1825. doi:10.3390/su10061825
Strande, L., Schöbitz, L., Bischoff, F., Ddiba, D., Okello, F., Englund, M., Ward, B. J. and Niwagaba, C. B. 2018. "Methods to reliably estimate faecal sludge quantities and qualities for the design of treatment technologies and management solutions." Journal of Environmental Management 223, 898–907. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.06.100
Ddiba, D. 2020. "Exploring the circular economy of urban organic waste in sub-Saharan Africa: opportunities and challenges." Licentiate Thesis Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-DLT, 2016, 2020
Ddiba, D., Andersson, K., Koop, S.H.A., Ekener, E., Finnveden, G. and Dickin, S. 2020. "Governing the circular economy: Assessing the capacity to implement resource-oriented sanitation and waste management systems in low- and middle-income countries." Earth System Governance 100063. doi:10.1016/j.esg.2020.100063
Mugambi, J. K., Windberg, C., Ddiba, D., Ogol, T., Andersson, K., Gicheru, T. and Akinyi, E. 2020. "Setting the stage for the circular economy: Waste resource recovery opportunities in Naivasha, Kenya." Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm
AfDB, UNEP & GRID-Arendal. 2020. "Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa." African Development Bank, United Nations Environment Programme and GRID-Arendal. Abidjan, Nairobi and Arendal. (Several contributors including Daniel Ddiba)
Vanhuyse, F., Fejzić, E., Ddiba, D., & Henrysson, M. 2021. "The lack of social impact considerations in transitioning towards urban circular economies: a scoping review." Sustainable Cities and Society 75, 103394. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103394
Ddiba, D., Andersson, K., Rosemarin, A., Schulte-Herbrüggen, H., & Dickin, S. 2022. "The circular economy potential of urban organic waste streams in low- and middle-income countries." Environment, Development and Sustainability 24, 1116–1144. doi:10.1007/s10668-021-01487-w
Aguilar, M. G., Jaramillo, J. F., Ddiba, D., Páez, D. C., Rueda, H., Andersson, K., & Dickin, S. 2022. "Governance challenges and opportunities for implementing resource recovery from organic waste streams in urban areas of Latin America: insights from Chía, Colombia." Sustainable Production and Consumption 30, 53–63. doi:10.1016/j.spc.2021.11.025
Njoroge, G., Nikam, J. and Ddiba, D. 2022. "Plastic waste management and recycling in Mombasa, Kenya: A scoping study of the value chain and its institutional, policy and regulatory frameworks." SEI report. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm. doi:10.51414/sei2022.013
Ddiba, D. 2022. "Implementing resource recovery from urban organic waste in low- and middle-income countries: Tools to support planners and policy makers." PhD Thesis Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-DLT, 2216, 2022
Ddiba, D. 2022. "Energy from faeces: harnessing energy from one of the most abundant materials on the planet." In Towards the energy of the future – the invisible revolution behind the electrical socket (pp. 67–75). Vetenskap & Allmänhet. VA-rapport 2022:2. Stockholm, Sweden.
Nikam, J., Ddiba, D. and Njoroge, G. 2022. "Analysis of the Plastic Waste Value Chain in India: A Scoping Study." SEI report. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm. doi:10.51414/sei2022.037
Ddiba, D., Ekener, E., Lindkvist, M. and Finnveden, G. 2022. "Sustainability assessment of increased circularity of urban organic waste streams." Sustainable Production and Consumption 34, 114–129. doi:10.1016/j.spc.2022.08.030
Ddiba, D., Andersson, K., Dickin, S., Ekener, E., & Finnveden, G. 2023. "A review of how decision support tools address resource recovery in sanitation systems." Journal of Environmental Management 342, 118365. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118365
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