Bridging Gaps in the Agricultural Phosphorus Cycle from an Animal Husbandry Perspective — The Case of Pigs and Poultry


Recommended citation: Oster, M., Reyer, H., Ball, E., Fornara, D., McKillen, J., Sørensen, K. K. U., Poulsen, H. D. H., Andersson, K., Ddiba, D., Rosemarin, A., Arata, L., Sckokai, P., Magowan, E. and Wimmers, K. 2018. "Bridging gaps in the agricultural phosphorus cycle from an animal husbandry perspective - The case of pigs and poultry." Sustainability 2018, 10(6), 1825. doi:10.3390/su10061825 /files/publications/2018_Oster_et_al_PhosphorusCyclePigsAndPoultry.pdf

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